Deltoid Muscle Anatomy and Function
The deltoid muscle is the main muscle of the shoulder. A triangle-shaped muscle, it helps move your upper arm and stabilizes the shoulder joint.
The deltoid muscle is the main muscle of the shoulder. A triangle-shaped muscle, it helps move your upper arm and stabilizes the shoulder joint.
Osteochondritis dissecans typically affects children and teens, but it can also occur in adults. It is a condition that commonly affects the knee joint, but it can affect any joint in the body.
Knee issues can be a common inconvenience for those who do much running. Many runners have decided to use the numerous braces available online and over the counter. You may wonder if these knee braces help the knee or prevent the development of knee issues.
Long periods of physical work involving positioning the arms over the shoulder and excessive load on the shoulders are common direct causes of shoulder pain.
That’s the question a team of Cleveland Clinic and Case Western Reserve researchers tried to answer with a systematic review of the literature. The team was hoping to quantify to determine rates, timelines, and prognostic factors which can determine how fast young TKA patients return to work and / or return to sports.