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  • Frozen shoulder research may hold the key to understanding fibrosis resolution

    Frozen shoulder is a painful and disabling condition affecting the ligaments that form the shoulder joint capsule. Patients experience severe stiffening of their affected shoulder which can last for several years, interfering with activities of daily life.

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  • Mapping blood vessel network of the meniscus with high precision

    Knee operations on the meniscus cartilage are a frequent procedure on a particularly complex part of the human body. Empa researchers want to provide an improved basis for clinicians in order to reduce the risks of the operation. Using 3D models based on micro-computed tomography analyses in the laboratory, they are mapping the blood vessel network of the meniscus on a nanometer scale.

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  • Stronger thigh muscles may prevent knee replacement surgery

    Stronger quadriceps muscles, relative to the hamstrings, may lower the risk of total knee replacement, according to research being presented at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America. Researchers said the findings could inform strength-training programs for people with advanced arthritis in the knee.

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  • Understanding the Difference Between Aerobic and Anaerobic Exercise

    The type of workout you do, and how your body gets its energy to fuel that movement, helps define these different forms of exercise.

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  • De Quervain's Tenosynovitis: Conservative Management and Surgical Treatment

    De Quervain's tenosynovitis (also called de Quervain's disease) is a condition that affects tendons that attach to two muscles of the thumb—extensor pollicis brevis and abductor pollicis longus.1 This condition typically develops from repetitive use of the thumb for activities such as twisting and pinching, but the cause is not always known.

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    South Lincoln

    Prairie Orthopaedic & Plastic Surgery
    4130 Pioneer Woods Drive Ste 1
    Lincoln, NE 68506

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    North Lincoln

    Prairie Orthopaedic & Plastic Surgery
    5901 North 28th Street
    Lincoln, NE 68504

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    Omaha Location

    Omaha Orthopedic Clinic and Sports Medicine
    11704 West Center Road
    Omaha, NE 68144